Rock ⇔ Paper ⇔ Scissors

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The RPS cycle Rock, Paper, Scissors is an ancient game, dating back to at least the Han Dynasty 漢朝 (approximately, 206 BCE–220 CE). Now, it has come into the 21st Century, burgeoned by a young, slightly obnoxious, artificial intelligence AI named Wintermute. Wintermute challenges you to a duel, promising to best you—as humankind's representative—at this most ancient example of human conflict resolution.

There's a slight problem. Wintermute isn't quite as artificially intelligent as it is pretentious. It doesn't always get the rules right. In order to be smug and crush its little artificial dreams, you decide to document its errors.

Using a black-box testing approach, find the error(s) in Wintermute's logic. Because you don't know how Wintermute functions, you are restricted to testing predicted against actual outputs given each input. In other words, figure out when it gets the “wrong answer”.

Scoring is kept by adding 1 point to your score for each hand (haha) you win, and 1 point to the computer's score for each hand Wintermute wins. Ties are worth nothing.

Lastly, for those who may not know the rules, each player chooses a play (rock, paper, or scissors). The winner is determined as follows: rock crushes scissors, scissors cut paper, and paper covers rock. The diagram to the right conveys the same information.